I decided to take a busy weekend with a few friends and tackle Sevilla and Cordoba in three days. Clearly three days is not enough time to see both these amazing cities, but hey you gotta to work with the free time that you have in order to see the most places you can. For the first night, we rented a hostile in Sevilla. We took a bus from Madrid to Sevilla which took around 5 hours, and let's be real, my body was aching! Anyways, we arrived during the day around 3. What is great about Spain is that the days are so long, so even though we arrived a bit later in the day, we still had daylight until around 9:00pm! We were given a walking tour, ( in English, luckily!) and then were given some suggestions for places to eat and go out to at night. We got to see crazy sites like the Famous church and Giralda tower in Sevilla. We also had a great tour guide who told us really entertaining and interesting stories about every key point in Sevilla. After the day and night in Sevilla we woke up, did a bit more traveling about and headed to the train station to get on the fast train from Sevilla to Cordoba.
Luckily, they are not that far away so the train did not even take an hour. We got off, found our hotel, which was directly across from the famous Mesquita/Iglesia de Cordoba and then ventured out to get to know yet another beautiful city. I learned about both the Giralda and the Mesquita in my art history class so it was really amazing to get to see what we learned in person and really feel the grandiose architecture of each. the night we were on Cordoba there were Flamenco celebrations everywhere (this is where the picture comes from)! Every person in the town was out roaming about till the early early hours of the morning. I couldn't believe how many people come out to see these celebrations. I got to listen to a really heartfelt spanish Flamenco singer perform before we had to head back to our rooms in order to wake up for our early bus back to Madrid in the morning. I definitely would recommend these cities to other people, but of course, in the hopes that they will be able to spend a bit more time to enjoy the places than we were able to!
Nevertheless, they were amazing cities full of culture, architecture and new sites literally around every corner. I cannot believe how quickly my study abroad in Spain is coming to an end- Even though I am not able to put my pictures up, I really wish I could because I have so many from each place I have been to! Sometimes snapping photos is a bit excessive and annoying to me, but after you have taken them and you are looking at them, you are happy you took them. I hope my last few days in Alcala will be filled with sunshine and a few more closing experiences to soak up.
Will write soon,
Hasta Luego,
Courtney =0)